This is a short vignette
illustrating the bssm
package. For more detailed
exposition, please see the corresponding R Journal paper:
Jouni Helske and Matti Vihola (2021). “bssm: Bayesian Inference of Non-linear and Non-Gaussian State Space Models in R”. The R Journal (2021) 13:2, pages 578-589. Link to the paper.
State space models (SSM) are latent variable models which are
commonly applied in analysing time series data due to their flexible and
general framework (cf. Durbin and Koopman 2012). For
(R Core Team
2020), there is large number of packages available for state
space modelling, especially for the two special cases. First special
case is linear-Gaussian SSM (LGSSM) where both the observation and state
densities are Gaussian with linear relationships with the states.
Another special case is SSM with discrete state space, which are
sometimes called hidden Markov models (HMM). What is special about these
two classes of models is that the marginal likelihood function, and the
conditional state distributions (conditioned on the observations) of
these models are analytically tractable, making inference relatively
straightforward. See for example S. Helske and
Helske (2019) for review of some of the
packages dealing with these type of models. The
package bssm
is designed for Bayesian
inference of general state space models with non-Gaussian and/or
non-linear observational and state equations. The package aims to
provide easy-to-use and efficient functions for fully Bayesian inference
of common time series models such basic structural time series model
(BSM) (Harvey
1989) with exogenous covariates, simple stochastic volatility
models, and discretized diffusion models, making it straightforward and
efficient to make predictions and other inference in a Bayesian
The motivation behind the bssm
package is in (Vihola, Helske,
and Franks 2020) which suggests a new computationally
efficient, parallelisable approach for Bayesian inference of state space
models. The core idea is to use fast approximate Markov chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) targeting the approximate marginal posterior of the
hyperparameters (i.e. unknown variables excluding latent state
variables), which is then used in importance sampling type weighting
phase which provides asymptotically exact samples from the joint
posterior of hyperparameters and the hidden states. In addition to this
the two-stage procedure, standard pseudo-marginal MCMC and so called
delayed acceptance pseudo-marginal MCMC are also supported. For more
details, see (J.
Helske and Vihola 2021). There is also separate vignette for
nonlinear models as well as for discretized diffusion models.
Denote a sequence of observations (y1, …, yT)
as y1 : T,
and sequence of latent state variables (α1, …, αT)
as α1 : T.
A general state space model consists of two parts: observation level
densities gt(yt|αt)
and latent state transition densities μt(αt + 1|αt).
We first focus on the case where the state transitions are
linear-Gaussian: αt + 1 = ct + Ttαt + Rtηt,
where ct
is known input vector (often omitted), and Tt and Rt are a system
matrices which can depend on unknown parameters. Also, ηt ∼ N(0, Ik)
and α1 ∼ N(a1, P1)
independently of each other. For observation level density gt, the
package currently supports basic stochastic volatility
model and general exponential family state space models.
For exponential family models, the observation equation has a general form
gt(yt|dt + Ztαt, x′tβ, ϕ, ut), where dt is a again known input, xt contains the exogenous covariate values at time t, with β corresponding to the regression coefficients. Parameter ϕ and the known vector ut are distribution specific and can be omitted in some cases. Currently, following observational level distributions are supported:
Gaussian distribution: gt(yt|Ztαt, x′tβ) = x′tβ + Ztαt + Htϵt with ϵt ∼ N(0, 1).
Poisson distribution: gt(yt|Ztαt, x′tβ, ut) = Poisson(utexp (x′tβ + Ztαt)), where ut is the known exposure at time t.
Binomial distribution: gt(yt|Ztαt, x′tβ, ut) = binomial(ut, exp (x′tβ + Ztαt)/(1 + exp (x′tβ + Ztαt))), where ut is the number of trials and exp (xtβ + Ztαt)/(1 + exp (x′tβ + Ztαt)) is the probability of the success.
Negative binomial distribution: gt(yt|Ztαt, x′tβ, ϕ, ut) = negative binomial(exp (x′tβ + Ztαt), ϕ, ut), where utexp (x′tβ + Ztαt) is the expected value and ϕ is the dispersion parameter (ut is again exposure term).
Gamma distribution: gt(yt|dt + Ztαt, ϕ, ut) = Gamma(exp (dt + Ztαt), ϕ, ut), where utexp (dt + Ztαt) is the expected value, ϕ is the shape parameter, and ut is a known offset term.
For stochastic volatility model, there are two possible parameterizations available. In general for we have yt = σexp (αt/2)ϵt, ϵt ∼ N(0, 1), and αt + 1 = μ + ρ(αt − μ) + σηηt, with α1 ∼ N(μ, ση2/(1 − ρ2)). For identifiability purposes we must either choose σ = 1 or μ = 0. Although analytically identical, the parameterization with μ is often preferable in terms of computational efficiency.
Typically some of the model components such as β, Tt or Rt depend on unknown parameter vector θ, so gt(yt|αt) and μt(αt + 1|αt) depend implicitly on θ. Our goal is to perform Bayesian inference of the joint posterior of α1 : T and θ.
For multivariate models, these distributions can be combined arbitrarily, except the stochastic volatility model case which is currently handled separately. Also, for fully Gaussian model, the observational level errors can be correlated, i.e. Cov(ϵt) = HtH′t.
The general non-linear Gaussian model in the bssm
following form:
y_t = Z(t, \alpha_t, \theta) + H(t, \alpha_t, \theta)\epsilon_t,\\
\alpha_{t+1} = T(t, \alpha_t, \theta) + R(t, \alpha_t, \theta)\eta_t,\\
\alpha_1 \sim N(a_1(\theta), P_1(\theta)),
$$ with t = 1, …, n, ϵt ∼ N(0, Ip),
and η ∼ N(0, Ik).
Here vector θ contains the
unknown model parameters. Due to their generality and the need to
repeated calls within MCMC, functions T(⋅), H(⋅), T(⋅), R(⋅),a1(⋅), P1(⋅), as well as
functions defining the Jacobians of Z(⋅) and T(⋅) needed by the extended Kalman
filter and the prior distribution for θ must be defined by user as a
external pointers to user-defined C++
functions. All of
these functions can also depend on some known parameters, defined as
(vector) and known_tv_params
(matrix with n columns)
arguments to ssm_nlg
function. See the growth model
for a template for these functions.
The bssm
package also supports models where the state
equation is defined as a continuous time diffusion model of form dαt = μ(αt, θ)dt + σ(αt, θ)dBt, t ≥ 0,
where Bt
is a Brownian motion and where μ and σ are scalar-valued functions, with
the univariate observation density g(yk|αk)
defined at integer times k = 1…, n. As these
transition densities are generally unavailable for non-linear
diffusions, we use Milstein time-discretisation scheme for approximate
simulation with bootstrap particle filter. Fine discretisation mesh
gives less bias than the coarser one, with increased computational
complexity. These models are also defined via C++
see the SDE vignette for details.
Given the prior p(θ), the joint posterior of θ and α1 : T is given as
p(α1 : T, θ|y1 : T) ∝ p(θ)p(α1 : T, y1 : T|θ) = p(θ)p(y1 : T|θ)p(α1 : T|y1 : T, θ)
where p(y1 : T|θ) is the marginal likelihood, and p(α1 : T|y1 : T, θ) is often referred as a smoothing distribution. However, instead of targeting this joint posterior, it is typically more efficient to target the marginal posterior p(θ|y), and then given the sample {θi}i = 1n from this marginal posterior, simulate states α1 : Ti from the smoothing distribution p(α1 : T|y1 : T, θi) for i = 1…, n.
For Gaussian models given the parameters θ, the marginal likelihood p(y1 : T|θ)
can be computed using the well known Kalman filter recursions, and there
are several algorithms for simulating the states α1 : T from the
smoothing distribution p(α1 : T|y1 : T)
(see for example Durbin and Koopman (2012)). Therefore we can straightforwardly
apply standard MCMC algorithms. In bssm
, we use an adaptive
random walk Metropolis algorithm based on RAM (Vihola 2012) where we fix the target
acceptance rate beforehand. There RAM algorithm is provided by the
package (J. Helske 2018).
For non-linear/non-Gaussian models, the marginal likelihood p(y1 : T|θ)
is typically not available in closed form. Thus we need to resort to
simulation methods, which leads to pseudo-marginal MCMC algorithm Andrieu and Roberts (2009). bssm
supports more efficient inference algorithms based on (intermediate)
approximations, see J. Helske and Vihola (2021) and Vihola, Helske, and Franks (2020).
Main functions of bssm
is written in C++
with help of Rcpp
(Eddelbuettel and François 2011) and
(Eddelbuettel and Sanderson 2014)
packages. On the R
side, package uses S3 methods in order to
provide relatively unified workflow independent of the type of the model
one is working with. The model building functions such as
and svm
are used to construct the
actual state models which can be then passed to other methods, such as
and run_mcmc
which compute the
log-likelihood value and run MCMC algorithm respectively. We will now
briefly describe the main functions and methods of bssm
for more detailed descriptions of different function arguments and
return values, see the corresponding documentation in
For linear-Gaussian models, bssm
offers functions
for basic univariate structural time series models
(BSM), ar1
for univariate, possibly noisy AR(1) process, as
well as general ssm_ulg
and ssm_mlg
arbitrary linear gaussian models. As an example, consider a Gaussian
local linear trend model of form
y_t &= \mu_t + \epsilon_t,\\
\mu_{t+1} &= \mu_t + \nu_t + \eta_t,\\
\nu_{t+1} &= \nu_t + \xi_t,
$$ with zero-mean Gaussian noise terms ϵt, ηt, ξt
with unknown standard deviations. This model can be built with
function as
## Attaching package: 'bssm'
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
## gamma
data("nhtemp", package = "datasets")
prior <- halfnormal(1, 10)
bsm_model <- bsm_lg(y = nhtemp, sd_y = prior, sd_level = prior,
sd_slope = prior)
Here we use helper function halfnormal
which defines
half-Normal prior distribution for the standard deviation parameters,
with first argument defining the initial value of the parameter, and
second defines the scale parameter of the half-Normal distribution.
Other prior options are normal
For non-Gaussian models, function bsm_ng
can be used for
constructing an BSM model where the observations are assumed to be
distributed according to Poisson, binomial, negative binomial, or Gamma
distribution. The syntax is nearly identical as in case of
, but we now define also the distribution via
argument distribution
, and depending on the model, we can
also define parameters u
and phi
. For Poisson
and negative binomial models, the known parameter u
corresponds to the offset term, whereas in case of binomial model
defines the number of trials. For negative binomial
model, argument phi
defines the dispersion term, which can
be given as a fixed value, or as a prior function. For same
observational densities, a model where the state equation follows a
first order autoregressive process can be defined using the function
. Finally, a stochastic volatility model can be
defined using a function svm
, and an arbitrary
linear-Gaussian state model with Poisson, binomial or negative binomial
distributed observations can be defined with ssm_ung
for univariate and multivariate models
For models where the state equation is no longer linear-Gaussian, we
can use our pointer-based C++ interface with the function
. Diffusion models can be defined with the function
. For details regarding these types of models, see
the corresponding vignettes growth_model
Filtering refers to estimating the conditional densities of the
hidden states at time t, given
the observations up to that point. For linear-Gaussian models, these
densities can be efficiently computed using the Kalman filter
recursions. The bssm
has a method kfilter
this task. For models defined with the ssm_mng
, ar1_ng
, and svm
functions, kfilter
will first construct an approximating
Gaussian model for which the Kalman filter is then used. For details of
this approximation, see Durbin and Koopman (1997) and Vihola, Helske, and Franks (2020). For non-linear models
defined by ssm_nlg
it is possible to perform filtering
using extended Kalman filter (EKF) with the function ekf
or unscented Kalman filter with the function ukf
. It is
also possible to use iterated EKF (IEKF) by changing the argument
of the ekf
function. Compared to
EKF, in IEKF the observation equation is linearized iteratively within
each time step.
While Kalman filter solves the filtering problem exactly in case of
linear-Gaussian models, EKF, UKF, and the filtering based on the
approximating Gaussian models produce only approximate, possibly biased
filtering estimates for general models. This problem can be solved by
the use of particle filters (PF). These sequential Monte Carlo methods
are computationally more expensive, but can in principle deal with
almost arbitrary state space models. The bssm
general bootstrap particle filter (BSF) for all model classes of the
. For ssm_mng
, and svm
models we recommend the
particle filter called ψ-APF
Helske, and Franks 2020) (see also another vignette on CRAN)
which makes use of the previously mentioned approximating Gaussian model
in order to produce more efficient filter. It is also available for
models but in case of severe non-linearities, it is
not necessarily best option.
Compared to filtering problem, in smoothing problems we are interested in the conditional densities of the hidden states at certain time point t given all the observations y1, …, yt, …, yn. Again for linear-Gaussian models we can use so called Kalman smoothing recursions, where as in case of more general models we can rely on approximating methods, or smoothing algorithms based on the output of particle filters. Currently only filter-smoother approach (Kitagawa 1996) for particle smoothing is supported.
The main purpose of the bssm
is to allow efficient
MCMC-based inference for various state space models. For this task, a
method run_mcmc
can be used. Here we define a random walk
model with a drift and stochastic seasonal component for UK gas
consumption dataset and use 40 000 MCMC iteration where first half is
discarded by default as a burn-in. Note that the number of iterations is
quite low and in practice we should run the chain longer. Here we use
less iterations to speed up the package checks on CRAN.
prior <- halfnormal(0.1, 1)
UKgas_model <- bsm_lg(log10(UKgas), sd_y = prior, sd_level = prior,
sd_slope = prior, sd_seasonal = prior)
mcmc_bsm <- run_mcmc(UKgas_model, iter = 4e4, seed = 1)
## Call:
## run_mcmc.lineargaussian(model = UKgas_model, iter = 40000, seed = 1)
## Iterations = 20001:40000
## Thinning interval = 1
## Length of the final jump chain = 4716
## Acceptance rate after the burn-in period: 0.236
## Summary for theta:
## variable Mean SE SD 2.5% 97.5% ESS
## sd_level 0.005076792 1.969154e-04 0.003360055 0.0002233676 0.012164506 291
## sd_seasonal 0.026279113 1.331061e-04 0.003790511 0.0185637669 0.033864873 811
## sd_slope 0.001169760 2.945858e-05 0.000539790 0.0001344258 0.002394876 336
## sd_y 0.016280928 2.656162e-04 0.005588283 0.0041307403 0.026326567 443
## Summary for alpha_109:
## variable time Mean SE SD 2.5% 97.5%
## level 1987 2.844603981 3.576960e-04 0.016755373 2.811864975 2.87881401
## seasonal_1 1987 0.268232881 7.340927e-04 0.035012588 0.199319650 0.33673134
## seasonal_2 1987 0.062504590 3.753102e-04 0.017738847 0.029212802 0.09875666
## seasonal_3 1987 -0.295387310 3.287016e-04 0.015225214 -0.327559158 -0.26697840
## slope 1987 0.009664101 8.330244e-05 0.003840359 0.002693921 0.01804641
## ESS
## 2194
## 2275
## 2234
## 2145
## 2125
## Run time:
## user system elapsed
## 4.695 0.016 4.712
Note that all MCMC algorithms of bssm
output also state
forecasts for the timepoint n + 1, the summary statistics of
this state is also shown in the output above.
Here we use ggplot2
(Wickham 2016) package for the figures, so
we transform the MCMC samples to data.frame
d <-, variable = "theta")
ggplot(d, aes(x = value)) +
geom_density(adjust = 3, fill = "#92f0a8") +
facet_wrap(~ variable, scales = "free") +
d <-, variable = "states")
level_fit <- d |>
filter(variable == "level") |>
group_by(time) |>
summarise(consumption = mean(value),
lwr = quantile(value, 0.025),
upr = quantile(value, 0.975))
ggplot(level_fit, aes(x = time, y = consumption)) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr),
fill = "#92f0a8", alpha = 0.25) +
geom_line(colour = "#92f0a8") +
geom_line(data = data.frame(
consumption = log10(UKgas),
time = time(UKgas)),
colour = "grey30", linetype = "dashed") +
Smoothed trend component with 95% intervals.
This work has been supported by the Academy of Finland research grants 284513, 312605, 311877, and 331817.