Efficient Bayesian generalized linear models with time-varying coefficientsUpdated 18 days ago

Jouni Helske

Rendered from walker.Rmd in walker 1.0.9.
$\psi$-APF for non-linear Gaussian state space modelsUpdated 11 months ago

Jouni Helske

Rendered from psi_pf.Rmd in bssm 2.0.2.
bssm: Bayesian Inference of Non-linear and Non-Gaussian State Space Models in RUpdated 11 months ago

Jouni Helske and Matti Vihola, University of Jyväskylä, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Finland

Rendered from bssm.Rmd in bssm 2.0.2.
Diffusion models with bssmUpdated 11 months ago

Jouni Helske, University of Jyväskylä, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Finland

Rendered from sde_model.Rmd in bssm 2.0.2.
Non-linear models with bssmUpdated 11 months ago

Jouni Helske, University of Jyväskylä, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Finland

Rendered from growth_model.Rmd in bssm 2.0.2.
Mixture Hidden Markov Models for Sequence Data: the seqHMM Package in RUpdated 1 years ago

Jouni Helske

Rendered from seqHMM.Rnw in seqHMM 1.2.6.
Visualization tools in the seqHMM packageUpdated 1 years ago

Jouni Helske

Rendered from seqHMM_visualization.Rnw in seqHMM 1.2.6.
diagis: Diagnostic plot and multivariate summary statistics of weighted samples from importance samplingUpdated 3 years ago

Jouni Helske

Rendered from diagis.Rmd in diagis 0.2.3.
KFAS: Exponential Family State Space Models in RUpdated 4 years ago

Jouni Helske

Rendered from KFAS.Rnw in KFAS 1.5.1.
The main algorithms used in the seqHMM packageUpdated 6 years ago

Jouni Helske

Rendered from seqHMM_algorithms.Rnw in seqHMM 1.2.6.
Examples and tips for estimating Markovian models with seqHMMUpdated 6 years ago

Jouni Helske

Rendered from seqHMM_estimation.Rnw in seqHMM 1.2.6.
ramcmc: Building blocks for Robust Adaptive Metropolis algorithmUpdated 8 years ago

| Jouni Helske | University of Jyväskylä, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Finland

Rendered from ramcmc.Rmd in ramcmc 0.1.2.